肠道寄生虫粪便的病原学检查办法 在实验动物病原检测中,寄生虫检测是其中重要的分支,也是体现实验动物质量不可或缺的一种方面。寄生虫侵入宿主可在宿主体内产生多个有害作用涉及夺取营养,机械性损伤,继发感染,毒性作用等,严重影响实验动物健康并减少实验动物的质量。许多寄生虫生活史中虫卵、卵囊、或幼虫随宿主的粪便排出体外,这些都能够通过粪便寄生虫检查,拟定与否感染寄生虫以及感染的种类和程度。病原学检查是诊疗寄生虫成虫及虫卵的重要的实验技术,采集粪便做粪便检查又是诊疗实验动物消化道有无寄生虫感染比较惯用的手段。实验动物粪检的病原学办法有多个。本文列举并介绍了某些现在比较惯用的粪便寄生虫定性和定量的检查办法,旨在提高粪便寄生虫病原学检查的技术水平。[Abstract] In the experimental animal pathogen detection,the parasite detection is one of the important branches,and it is also an indispensable aspect of the quality of experimental animals.Parasitic invasion of the host can produce a variety of harmful effects in the host body including the seizure of nutrients , mechanical damage , secondary infection , toxic effects , seriously affect the experimental animal health and reduce the quality of experimental animals.Many parasites in eggs and oocysts , or host larvae with the faeces excreted through feces , which can determine whether the parasite examination,parasite infection and infection type and degree.Etiological examination is an important diagnostic technique of parasite egg and adult feces collection,do stool examination is the diagnosis of digestive tract have no experimental animal parasitic infections more commonly used methods.There are many kinds of pathogenic methods in laboratory animal feces examination.This article lists and describes some of the more commonly used methods of qualitative and quantitative examination of fecal parasites , aimed at improving the technical level of fecal parasite...