7A-9B 词形变化中考复习 7A Units1-4 词义 动词原形 过去式 过去分词 词义 动词原形 过去式 过去分词 是 be 放置蛋 lay 拍打 beat 带领 lead 改变 become 学习 learn 开始 begin 离开 leave 吹 blow 借给 lend 打破 break 让 let 带来 bring 躺着 lie 建造 build 失去 lose 燃烧 burn 制作 make 购买 buy 意思是 mean 捕捉染 catch 遇见 meet 选择 choose 支付 pay 来 come 摆 put 花费 cost 阅读 read 切,割 cut 骑,乘坐 ride 挖 dig 按铃 ring 做 do 升起 rise 绘画 draw 跑; run 做梦 dream 说话 say 开车 drive 看见 see 喝,喝酒 drink 卖 sell 吃 eat 发送 send 落下 fall 放 set 喂,饲养 feed 摇晃 shake 感觉 feel 照耀 shine 打架 fight 表示 show 发现 find 关闭 shut 飞 fly 唱歌 sing 忘记 forget 坐 sit (使)冻结 freeze 嗅 smell 得到 get 睡 sleep 给,给予 give 讲话 speak 去,走 go 传播 spread 种植 grow 花费 spend 悬挂 hang 站忍受 stand 有,怀有 have 偷窃 steal 听到 hear 插入 stick 躲藏 hide 打扫 sweep 击中 hit 游泳 swim 把握,持续, hold 拿 take (使)伤害痛 hurt 教 teach 保持,继续 keep 知道 know 1. Her brother reads (sport) news every day. 2. Maths (be) hard for me. 3. How many (play) are there in a basketball team? 4. Her son enjoys (看) book (叫) Harry Potter. 5. Simon is not good at ( 进球)goals. 6. Amy’ good friends want to be good (swim) 7. I’m (真地) happy to get your letter. 8. My father likes watching football (比赛)。 9. They are very happy after (win) the match. 10. How do you (说) this word in English? 11. We should practice (说) Chinese. 12. Jack is (有趣)and we all enjoy (谈话) with him. 13. His cousin always comes to school (one). 14. Mr Wu (教) us English well. We (都) like (他)。 15. My parents are (都) teachers. 16. You can find a lot of (信息) on the Internet. 17. Peter ...