U3 U3 GrammarGrammarU3 U3 GrammarGrammarNon-restrictive attributive clauses Non-restrictive attributive clauses ((1st period1st period))Who is he?*The man ______is sitting there is Brad Pitt.*The man ______she speaks is Brad Pitt.*The man _____________she speaks to is Brad Pitt.who/thatto whomwho/whom/that/-Who is she?Cecilia, ______ took weight-loss pills, now realizes that health is important.Cecilia, _______ body is slim, still wants to lose some weight.whowhoseDifferences:•Comma•The non-restrictive attributive clause can be left out.•We can’t use “that” in it.•We can’t miss the relative words, either.Can you find the non-restrict attributive clauses in your reading, p 42,43*I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-Less, which are quite popular among young women here.*My mother, whom you met last year, keeps telling me not to take them because they are dangerous.*Then the doctor found someone in your country, whose name is Li Dong, was an exact match for me. It’s the same in China---many people, some of whom are not overweight at all, are always going on diet or taking weight-loss pills, which are often dangerous.More examples:•He was very rude to the custom officers, which of course made things even worse.•The result of the experiment was very good, which we hadn’t expected.He missed the show, whichwas a great pity. Tip 1: Here, we know we can use “which” to refer to the whole main clause, and we can’t use “that”.典型例题 Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _____, of course, made the others envy him. (2004, 天津卷 ) A. who B. that C. what D. whichD Carol said the work would be done by October, _____ personally I doubt very much. (1999) A. it B. that C. w...