
unit5warming up 高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件 高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件VIP专享VIP免费

unit5warming up  高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件 高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件unit5warming up  高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件 高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件unit5warming up  高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件 高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件unit5warming up  高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件 高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件unit5warming up  高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件 高二英语Unit5 Integrating skills全套课件
Ancient stone cross in Ireland Old castle in Wales Scottish soldiers are playing bagpipe , dressed in kilts London bridge London ----capital city of the UKEdinburgh ---- capital city of ScotlandBelfast ---- capital city of Northern IrelandCardiff ---- capital city of WalesSome other cities: Manchester, Birmingham, Cambridge, Liverpool etc.River Thames Good morning and welcome to _________________ at Dublin University. I’m very happy to _____ you all to our Summer Programme and hope that you will not only learn a lot more English, but also learn about ____________________. Before you go to your classrooms, I want to _________________ you weekly timetable with you. Classes are taught from Monday to Friday with four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoons. One lesson _________ 50 minutes. We start every morning with two lessons of what we call _____________, which will mostly be grammar and vocabulary. The rest of the morning classes are ______ spent in thethe Language Schoolgreetthe Irish way of lifetakes uphave a quick look atLanguage Studyeither computer lab, ___ in workshops. There’s a Conversation Workshop to practise your ____________, one lesson on Tuesday ,directly after the Language Study class and there’s a Reading Workshop of two times fifty minutes on Friday morning.There are also two fifty minutes classes in the computer lab which form the third class on both Wednesdays and Thursdays.Lunch is from half past twelve till one o’clock. Each afternoon, ________ Wednesday, _________ two lessons of skills practice. In those classes you will mostly practise __________________ . On Monday and Tuesday they are followed by a class of fifty minutes at the language lab.except fors...

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