Unit1 That Must be a Record!That Must be a Record!单词词组句型Words and ExpressionWords and ExpressionWords and ExpressionWords and Expression• beardbeard• voyagervoyager• tighttight• tightropetightrope• editionedition• moustachemoustache• brewerybrewery• concludeconclude• hirehire• featfeat• lengthlength• athleticathletic• fadefade• accountaccount• attemptattempt• suitablesuitable• inspectinspect• confirmconfirm• certificatecertificate• gradualgradual• blankblank• enthusiasticenthusiastic• bidbid• decadedecade• committeecommittee• fascinatefascinate• burstburst• underlineunderline• globeglobe• bushbush•set downset down•in a rowin a row•in the first placein the first place•apply forapply for•burst into sthburst into sth•胡子胡子•下巴 下巴 •beardbeard•八字八字•moustachemoustache•合成词合成词•sailfishsailfish•tightropetightrope•underlineunderline•spacemanspaceman• voyager n.voyager n.• tight adj.tight adj.• edition n.edition n.• brewery n.brewery n.• conclude v.conclude v.• length n.length n.• v. voyagev. voyage• v. tightenv. tighten• v. editv. edit• n. editorn. editor• v. brewv. brew• n. conclusionn. conclusion• adj. longadj. long• v. lengthenv. lengthen• athletic adj.athletic adj.• suitable adj.suitable adj.• inspect v.inspect v.• confirm v.confirm v.• certificate n.certificate n.• enthusiastic adj.enthusiastic adj.• fascinate v.fascinate v.• n. athleten. athlete• v. suitv. suit• n. inspectionn. inspection• n. confirmationn. confirmation• n. certificationn. certification• v. certifyv. certify• n. enthusiasmn. enthusiasmn. fascinationn. fascinationphrasesphrasesphrasesphrasesParagraph 1Paragraph 1• 当时啤酒厂的老板当时啤酒厂的老板• 处理一个争议处理一个争议• 一本畅销书一本畅销书• thethe then then director of director of the b...