Unit 5 Unit 5 THE BRITISH ISLESTHE BRITISH ISLES 1.Scotland2.England3.WalesBritain 4(northern Ireland)the UK Do you know how many parts the UK is made up of ?12.3.4 2.What are the most important facts about Ireland?Scan the text and answer the following questions.Scan the text and answer the following questions.1.Which countries make up the British Isles?3.What are the most important facts about Wales3.What are the most important facts about Wales ?? London BridgeLondon Bridge Big BenBig Ben The Tower of LondonThe Tower of London StonehengeStonehenge巨石阵巨石阵 Speakers’ CornerSpeakers’ Corner The ideaThe idea that England stands for that England stands for Fish &chips , Speakers’corner ,Big Fish &chips , Speakers’corner ,Big Ben and the Tower of London Ben and the Tower of London is is past .past .认为炸鱼认为炸鱼 ,, 土豆条土豆条 ,, 演讲角演讲角 ,, 大本钟和伦大本钟和伦敦塔象征英国的时代已经过去了敦塔象征英国的时代已经过去了 ..What is the real feature of UK?What is the real feature of UK? The UK is really a nation of different countries The UK is really a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.held together by a common language and culture.由共同的语言和文化维系起来的多国民族体由共同的语言和文化维系起来的多国民族体 1. What is the location of the British Isles?1. What is the location of the British Isles?Fast reading:Fast reading: 2.What’s the weather in the British Isles like?2.What’s the weather in the British Isles like?3. From where did the culture of the people 3. From where did the culture of the people in the British Isles receive many influence?in the British Isles receive many influence?4. Who ran over the Great Britain in 1066? 4. Who ran over the Great Britain...