
11-12年高二英语 Unit 19 grammar课件 大纲人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

11-12年高二英语 Unit 19 grammar课件 大纲人教版 课件11-12年高二英语 Unit 19 grammar课件 大纲人教版 课件11-12年高二英语 Unit 19 grammar课件 大纲人教版 课件11-12年高二英语 Unit 19 grammar课件 大纲人教版 课件
Grammar Act 1:Bassanio(B), Antonio(A)B: Can you do me a favor?A: What’s up? My friend.… Bassanio told Antonio that he was in love with Portia, a rich and beautiful lady, and that she also loved him. He also told Antonio that he could not ask Portia to marry him because he had no money, He asked Antonio if he could lend him three thousand ducats. Antonio told him that all his ships were at sea and he had no money at present. Act 2:Antonio(A), Shylock(S)A: Shylock, Could you lend me…S: Let me see. Yes, but…… They went to Shylock to borrow the money. Shylock didn’t like Antonio, who had many times told others about his greed and cruelty. However, he agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition. He would have the right to have a pound of Antonio’s flesh to be cut off from any part of his body if he did not pay the money back at the end of three months. Antonio said that he would accept these terms. Bassanio tried to keep Antonio from accepting these terms, but Antonio treated them as a joke and said he would not refuse Shylock’s offer and would sign the agreement. Bassanio received a letter from Antonio. In the letter, Antonio said that… Dear Bassanio,My friend, my ships are all lost at sea and now I have to pay Shylock with a pound of my flesh according to our agreement. Since in paying him , it is impossible that I should live, how I wish to see you before I die. If your love for me is not enough to lead you here, forget about the letter. Yours, Antonio Doctor Bellario wrote in his letter that… Sir,I am very ill. When your letter reached me, I had with me a learned young doctor from Rome. I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Anton...

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