
11-12年高二英语 Unit 14 Freedom Fighters New words课件 大纲人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

11-12年高二英语 Unit 14 Freedom Fighters New words课件 大纲人教版 课件11-12年高二英语 Unit 14 Freedom Fighters New words课件 大纲人教版 课件11-12年高二英语 Unit 14 Freedom Fighters New words课件 大纲人教版 课件11-12年高二英语 Unit 14 Freedom Fighters New words课件 大纲人教版 课件
Unit 14Freedom Fighters New Words 1.Freedom n. 自由 adj._______For free 免费 = free of chargeFreewayfreetradefree2. Civil adj. 公民的 , 国内的 , 文职的civil rights 民权 3. Murder vt. 谋杀 Murderer Murderess get away with murder get away with murder 逍遥法外4. prison n. 监狱 prisoner put…..in prison 把… .. 投进监狱escape from prisonbreak out of prison 做“监禁状态”时为不可数名词 , 不用冠词。take/ send sb. to prison throw sb. into prisonbe in prison 被监禁go to prison 入狱据报道,昨天四个犯人越狱逃跑了。 5. join hands (with sb. )携手 联合 合欢 互相握手It was reported that four prisoners escaped from prison yesterday.•那个杀人犯去年被关进监狱。•他在狱中待了 10 年。 e.g. The three of them joined hands and burst into laughter.The Chinese soldiers joined hands with the American in the war against Germany.他们三个人互相握手,突然大笑。中国士兵与美国士兵在战争中联合对付德国。 6.arrest vt./ n. 逮捕 , 拘留 , 扣留arrest sb.be arrested for---(be) under arrest逮捕某人因 --- 而被捕被捕,被拘留警察昨晚逮捕了那个贼。The police arrested the thief last night.他因抢劫而被捕。He was arrested for robbery.You are under arrest.你被捕了。 7. forbid vt. forbade forbidden禁止 不许forbid sb. to do sth.forbid doing sth.permitallowadvise也有同样的用法 e.g. Which of the following is not right? _______A. I forbid you the room.B. I forbid you to enter the room.C. I forbid your entering the room.D. I forbid that your entered the room.D • 8. vote vi./n. 投票 , 选举 , 选举权• vote for/against 投票赞成 / 反对 ---• vote on sth. 就 --- 投票表决• • • I gave my vote to Mr. Wang.他对该计划投了反对票。He voted against the plan.现在我们对这个问题投票表决。Now we will vote on this question. 9. set an example to 为… .. 树立榜样 set sb. an exampletake….. for example /take … as an example without examplefollow /copy the example of 以…为例没有先例以…为榜样 10. demand vt. 要求demand sth. of/ from sb. 要求某人某物demand to do 要求做… ..demand that…..( 从句谓语用虚拟语气should+v.)in great demand 急需 11. sight: at first sight 一开始 乍一看 at the sight of 一看见… .. 就 catch sight of 看见 发现 in/within sight 在视线内 out of sight 在视线外 • 12 regardless of 不理会 , 不顾• = despite/in spite of• We will persevere regardless of past failures.尽管以前我们失败过,但仍要坚持下去 .

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