Unit 2 Reading 南京市六十六中学 杨彩霞 1.Who can tell us the title of the debate?The economy or the environment-must we choose?2.Which one do you choose,economy or environment? Why?Lead-in Fast-reading2.What side does Mr Lin Shuiqing and Mr Qian Liwei each represent?3.By how many times has the world’s population increased since 1800?4.According to Mr Qian liwei,what should be done to factories that pollute the environment?Mr Lin Shuiqing represents the environment and Mr Qian Liwei represents the economy.Six times.They should have to pay higher taxes.1.Who are the three speakers?James Long,Lin Shuiqing and Qian Liwei Second reading:(Read Lin Shuiqing’s debate and answer the questions)1.what society does Lin Shuiqing belong to?2.What does Lin Shuiqing start his speech by talking about?3.What is happening to large amounts of fish?4.What does Lin Shuiqing think we should teach people about?The society for Environmental PreservationIndustrial wasteThey are being caught by fishing boats before they can lay eggs.He thinks we should teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living. Read Qian Liwei’s debate and answer the questions.1.Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back?2.What does Qian Liwei say we should produce more of?3.What does Qian Liwei say we need more of?4.What does Qian Liwei say many people are willing to do?Because jobs will be lost.People are more important than fish and trees.Recycled products.We need more effective laws to preserve the environment,which still allow the economy to grow.They are willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly. Third readingFill in the table Fill in the table according to the according to the debate.deba...