
Unit6 Life in the Future reading 人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

Unit6 Life in the Future reading 人教版 课件Unit6 Life in the Future reading 人教版 课件Unit6 Life in the Future reading 人教版 课件Unit6 Life in the Future reading 人教版 课件Unit6 Life in the Future reading 人教版 课件
Part 11 3044 ( or 58 AL)2 Mekanica lives on Mars.3 They had to leave because the population was growing too large and there was too much pollution.4 She is writing the letter because her science teacher asked her to send a letter to the past.Mekanika’s lifeOur lifeTimeFoodOne day is divided into8 parts. Two o’clockin the morning on Mars is like six o’clockon earth.One day is 24 hours.Pills and drink juiceMeat fruitand vegetablesSchoolTranspor-tationThere are no schools or classrooms. Students meet their learning guides in different placesand solve problemstogether.Mekanika flies to class in the school spaceship.We study in schools andclassrooms and we learnFrom books and teachers.We go to school by bike or bus Unit 6 ReadingLife in the Future1. The doctor did everything she could to _____ the patient, but the patient died at last.2. Bill always seems to be honest,but in _____ he often tells lies.3. The current ______ is toward more part-time employment.ensure, reform, reality, purchase, contemporary, cure, trend, indicatecurerealitytrend4. All the necessary measures have been taken to ______ their safety.5. Who will ______ our city’s unfair electrical system.?6. Although it was written hundreds of years ago it still has a _____________ feel to it.7. The label on the packet _______ all the ingredients in the biscuits.8.The museum is trying to raising enough money to ______ a painting by Van Gogh.ensurereformcontemporaryindicatespurchase1. How will people shop in the future?2. How will people travel in the future?3.What will schools be like in the future?4. What will the future be like in general?In which paragraph can you find answers to the questions?ParagraphParagraphParagraphParagraph3251&6Maglev train...

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