
Unit5 theme parks 新课标 人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

Unit5 theme parks 新课标 人教版 课件Unit5 theme parks 新课标 人教版 课件Unit5 theme parks 新课标 人教版 课件Unit5 theme parks 新课标 人教版 课件Unit5 theme parks 新课标 人教版 课件
Have you ever been to…?Xiang Jiang Safari ParkWindow of the World ParkChina Folk Cultural VillageHong Kong Ocean ParkA garden in Suzhou World Water park in CanadaHyde ParkSpeaker’s CornerDisneyland Main StreetAdventurelandFrontierlandFantasylandTomorrowlandToontownNew Orleans SquareMeet your favorite Disney characters! Main Street , U. S. A.Adventureland Tomorrowland FantasylandThe Sleeping Beauty CastleMickey’s ToontownRead the text and find out :What is a theme park?What is the meaning of the title “theme parks -Fun and more than fun”?What do they provide besides “fun”?Comprehending:Find out the topic sentence(s) of each paragraph:• Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.• In recent decades, however, many parks have been designed to provide entertainment./They are more than amusement parks (with…). These new parks have a variety of things to see and do.• Theme parks have a certain idea- a certain theme-that the whole park is based on .• Some are history of culture theme parks.• The oldest theme park in the world is Disneyland,built near Los Angeles,California in 1955.• Other theme parks include marine or ocean parks,… there are also science theme parks(where…)Comprehending :• Purpose :• Example :• Purpose :• Example :• Purpose :• Example :• To entertain/for amusement• There many rides ,such as a Ferris wheel,merry-go-round or a coaster.• To make profits• They all charge money for admission,rides and shows and also sell souvenirs.• To educate• Visitors can learn about history,cultures and science.P .39 Writing &P.40 Speaking:• You are a guide in Hong Kong Disney.Your partner is a tourist. Make an introduction of each place and show him/her the way there. Welcome to Hong Kong Disneyland!Adventure LandFantasy LandMain Street USATomorrow Land

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