What do you know about the Silk Road?The “Silk road”began from Chang’an, the city of Xi’an now, along the Gansu Corridor(通道) , then to West Asia and Europe.Scanning 1.What could have been possible reasons to search for sea routes from China while routes over land were shorter and already existed?2. What do you know about Gan Ying?3. What do you know about Zheng He?1.What could have been possible reasons to search for sea routes from China while routes over land were shorter and already existed?Marco Polo’s stories, Columbus andother European explorers influenced people. They all thought Asian lands were very wealthy.2. What do you know about Gan Ying?3. What do you know about Zheng He?In 97 AD Gan Ying, a Chinese ambassador,went to the East Roman Empire over land and returned to Luoyang with a present from an African king ----rhinoceros horn.In the years between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea, and then travelled further south, discovering the eastern coast of Africa.Careful reading: Fill in the charts.Period Name Way of travelGoods Gan YingIn 751-762In the 11th centuryZheng HeIn 97 ADOver landrhinoceros hornsDu HuanOn land and by boatThe AfricansBy seaBronze statueof a lionIn 1405-1433By seaGiraffes, zebras, shells, elephant ivory, medicine, rhinoceros-horn, etc.Put the sentences in good order.1.In the eleventh century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the song dynasty.2.Merchants from the Arabic countries began to travel to the Swahili kingdom and the islands off the African coast to trade with them.3.People of the Han Dynasty exchanged silk for spices and glass with Indians and Romans by ...