Warming up and pre-readingCan you tell me the names of the animals in English?elephantbearpeacockparrotkangaroorabbitpenguinlionmousebutterflyfrogtortoisebatwhaleWhat do you think of animals?animalsanimalsloyalfiercebeautifulcleverquicklovelycutegentledangerous• Do you love animals? • What is your favorite? Why?I love/ like … becauseit is lovely/ interesting/ loyal/pretty/cute/ clever…it is my friend/…it can help me /…Are you familiar with the following animals?milu deerAmazon parrotSouth China tigerantelopegenus Achatinella 夏威夷蜗牛Only 20 of them are left in the wild苏门答腊虎rhinoceros tortoise微型猪 (pigmyhog )crocodile白鳍豚panda• 小嘴狐猴 (Mouse lemur) : The smallest monkey in the world. 穿山甲 anteaterEndangered Koala BearIs it easy to see them now?What do they have in common?What problems are they facing?• They ________________________ .are dying outThey are ________________ or ___________ animals.endangered/in dangerextinct• Why are these animals in danger or dying out?• Discuss in groups. Please give as many reasons as you can. reasonswhat people doexample losing food supplylosing habitattoo much huntingpollutionclimate changefor farmland/ new housescut down trees for wood/ burning forests for farmland eat them / kill them for their skin/bones, etc. for moneypour wasted water / give off poisonous gaspollute the environmentpandaantelopes/ milu deer/The Brazilian new forest everywherethe whole globeWhat do people do to them?Have a look !People kill them for their ______ .skinPeople keep them in cages for______ .funOn holidays, so many people take photos with them until they are too tired to move. A large number of antelopes were killed.Water pollution cause the death of fishFactories give off a great deal of poinson...