下载后可任意编辑国际货运代理协议The Commission Agreement of International Transportation编号:Serial no.: SINOSTEEL-CNTT2024甲方:新铁德奥道岔有限公司Party A: Chinese New Turnout Technologies Co.,Ltd地址:山海关南海西路 29-1Address: No.29-1 Nanhai West Road Shanhaiguan Qinhuangdao Hebei Province邮编 Post code:066205电话 Tel:86-0335-5158589乙方:中钢国际货运河北有限责任公司Party B: Sinosteel Shipping & Forwarding Hebei Co.,Ltd地址:秦皇岛迎宾路 82 号Address: No.82 Yingbin Road Qinhuangdao Hebei Province邮编 Post code:066001电话 Tel:86-0335-3086868根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他相关法律、法规之规定,在平等、自愿、协商一致基础上,就甲方由中国天津港或秦皇岛港进口道岔配件,委托乙方代理安排货物通关、检验检1下载后可任意编辑疫、装卸和内陆运输等相关事宜,达成以下协议:According to the 《Contract Law of People`s Republic of China 》and some other related laws or regulations, we reach to sign this agreement through amicable negotiation whereby Party A agrees to consign its partial Customs clearance、CIQ clearance、transfer、transportation and other relevant business of turnout parts which be imported from China Tianjin port or Qinhuangdao port.一、甲方责任和义务Responsibilities and obligation of Party A1、 货物到港前,甲方及时向乙方提供进口货物清关所需完整的、准确的和合法的单据,否则由此产生的滞报等费用由甲方承担;Before the good`s arrival at the port, Party A shall provide the complete 、accurate and legal documents required regarding any customs declaring and transportation services. In case of the failure, Party A will be responsible for all the consequences;2、 甲方有责任就货物形态及货物装载要求等事宜提供给乙方;Party A shall provide the information with details on the size and loading requirements of the goods to Party B;3、 乙方运输车队运至甲方厂内后,甲方要积极组织卸车事宜,如因不能及时卸车产生的压车费...