下载后可任意编辑九、设备制作周期:Manufacture cycle:设备制作周期:收到定金之日起 150 个天完工(制作时间 100 天、安装调试时间 50 天)。Complete in 150 working days after receive down payment (manufacture time: 100 days, installation and commissioning time: 50 days)十、售后服务及质量保证:After Sales Service & Warranty: 1、售后服务保证:After Sales Service & Warranty: A、设计图纸:Design Drawing 乙方在设备验收前,向甲方交付:文字版或电子版技术资料一套,包括:设备主要性能、技术参数、主要机械结构图、网管图、电器原理图及接线图。Before acceptance of the equipment, HEKEDA will supply the following documents to the customer: 1 set English text version and Chinese version or an electronic version of the technical information, including: major equipment performance data, technical parameters, the main mechanical structure drawings, piping diagrams, electrical schematics and wiring diagram B、使用说明书 Operation instruction 乙方在设备验收前,向甲方交付:设备使用手册及维护保养手册各一套。Before acceptance of the equipment, HEKEDA will supply 1 set of equipment operation manual and maintenance manual in English version to the customer. C、易损件、关键部件 Consumable Parts and main parts: 乙方在设备验收前,向甲方交付一套易损件、关键部件的清单。 Before the acceptance of the equipment, HEKEDA will supply the consumable and main parts list to the customer D、技术培训 Technical Training 技术培训人员为机电工程师和现场操作工人,培训内容为机械及电气维修、保养和生产线操作。Provided technical training for the operators, training content is including mechanical and electrical repair, maintenance and plating line operation. E、质保期及服务方法 Warranty Period & Service 乙方所提供的设备保修期为一年。保修期内,凡该生产线所出现的非人为因素损坏故障,乙方都将负责免费维修。对其它原因造成的损坏下载后可任意编辑以及保修期结束后,乙...