下载后可任意编辑华南师范大学外国留学生校外住宿协议书Agreement on Living Off-Campus姓名Name性别Gender国别Nationality出生年月Date of Birth婚否Marriage Status入学年份Enrollment Year学院College专业Major学号Student Number申请校外住宿时间Applied for Living Off-campusFrom 20 year month day to 20 year month day申请外住类别Classification□at home □with relatives □rent校外住址、电话Address and phone number申请原因Reason1下载后可任意编辑申请人承诺Promise我自愿放弃学校的住宿,申请校外住宿,并郑重承诺如下:I am willing to give up the accommodation on campus and apply for living off-campus. I promise:1、 遵守中国国家政府的法律、法规与社会公德,遵守中华民族的生活习惯,不做违法犯罪之事;Abide by the laws, regulations, norms and social customs. 2、 遵守学校规章制度,不做违纪之事;Abide by the university’s regulations.3、 校外住宿期间,在住宿地发生的纠纷、人身财产安全等问题,一概由本人负责,学校不承担任何责任。When any accident happens, I am the only one who is responsible.承诺人签名 Signature: Date: 20 年 月 日申请校外居住地址、与户主关系及户主联系电话Address,landlord phone number, relationship with the landlord国外家庭住址及父母有效联系电话Address back home, parents phone number本人对以上各项所填内容的真实性负责。 I am responsible for the validity of the content 申请人签名: signature所在院系意见College’s view签名(公章)signature (seal): date 20 年 月 日外事处意见Foreign Affairs Office’s view2下载后可任意编辑签名(公章)signature (seal): date 20 年 月 日注 Notice:1.此表一式 3 份(学生自己保留一份、学院一份、外事处一份) this form should be in triplicate (one by the student, one by the college and one by the Foreign Affairs Office)2.表中“校外居住地址”应写明市、区、街道、住宿区名称以及楼栋门牌号码。the address should be complete with city, district, street, room number information3