龙泉换流站控制系统与直流保护介绍一、高压直流输电系统的基本介绍1、 高压直流输电工程的组成部分:交流开关场、换流变、换流阀、直流开关场及直流输电线路。2、 特点适合大功率、 远距离输电; 输电线路相对于交流输电线路要经济的多;为全国大范围联网提供了便利的条件; 填补了我国直流输电技术的空白。直流设备对环境的要求较高;我国在直流输电方面起步较晚,主要依靠国外技术支持,因此现阶段直流输电设备较昂贵。3、 前景随着我国充分利用丰富的水利资源,大力发展水电建设,直流输电将发挥其重大的经济及社会效益。二、控制与保护系统设备介绍(按位置及控制区域)1、盘柜介绍:PCP pole control and protection BCP bipole control and protection ACP ac control and protection AFP ac filter control and protection DFT dc field termination BFT bipole field termination AFT ac field termination ASI Auxiliary system interface TFT Transformer Field Termination ATI auto transformer interface CP control pulse CRC cyclic redundancy check DCOCT dc optical current transducer DPM digital signal processor GWS gate workstation OWS operator workstation EWS ENGINERRINGWORKSTA TION ERCS electronic reactive control system FP fire pulse I/O input/output LAN local area network CAN Control Area Network TDM Time Division Multiplex LFL line fault recorder MACH2 Modular Advanced Control HVDC(High Voltage Direct Current) and SVC(StaticReactive Power Compensation) 2nd edition DOCT digital optical current transducer OIB optical interface board RPC reactive power control SCM Station Control monitoring THM thyristor monitoring VCU valve control unit CCP cooling control and protection CFC Converter Firing Control ETCS Electronic Transformer Control System HDLC High-level Data Link Control PCI Peripheral(外围设备)Component Interconnection SCADA Station Control and Data Acquisition(获得 ) TCC Tap Changer Control ACS 自动监视系统COMM 通讯程序(主计算机的软件部分)D...