捡垃圾的机器人上下( 抓取及行走机构 ) 设计2 本 科 毕 业 论 文(设计)课题名称垃圾拾捡机器人抓取及行走机构设计学院 机械学院专业 机械班级名称学生姓名学号 内容存在大量删减指导教师↓完成日期 有兴趣可以直接拉最下看教 务 处 制3 垃圾拾捡机器人抓取及行走机构设计摘要经济在迅速发展增长,人们的物质生活追求也在不断地提高,产生的垃圾排放量正因此有增无减,造成越来越大的环境压力,像是校园、商店、街道这类集中人流的地方,每日都会造成大量的垃圾出现,而为了让这些地方保持清洁又需要投入大量环卫工人的劳动。假若能设计出垃圾拾捡机器人将会很大程度上缓解上述的状况。垃圾拾捡机器人系统作为多功能于一体的综合系统,其作用有感知周边环境、进行动态的操作规划、机构的配合控制等等。其中主要部件的机械手作用有抓取、移动到指定位置等;行走机构作为机械手的脚,能开阔机械手的工作空间,令到机械手能以多方位角度执行任务,相反,机械手自身也在提升移动机器人的操作性能。关键词垃圾抓取机构;小车行走机构;机器人4 ABSTRACT The rapid development of economy makes our materialistic pursuit gradually better, thus waste emissions be on the increase day by day, making more and more pressure on the environment, the densely populated placelike campus, shops, street, manufacture large quantities of garbage, it need a large amount of manpower of cleaner and material resources in order to let these places keep clean.To design a garbage robot can ease the current situation. This robot is a set of environment perception, behavior control and execution, dynamic decision-making and planning functions in one integrated system. The role of the main components of mechanical hand is manipulator grasping, move to the specified location; As the base ofmechanical hand, moving platform is used to expand the working space of the manipulator, making it perform the task in a more appropriate gesture, the addition of manipulator also greatly enhanced the performance of the mobile ...