1 3YK1545型圆振动筛设计摘要目前我国各种筛选设备中, 振动筛(筛分机)是问题较多、维修量较大的设备之一。这些问题突出表现在筛箱断梁、裂帮、稀油润滑的箱式振动器漏油、齿轮打齿、轴承温升过高、噪声过大等问题, 同时伴有传动带跳带、断带等故障。这类问题直接影响了振动筛(筛分机)的使用寿命, 严重影响了生产。 YAH— 2460 型圆振动筛可以很好的解决此类问题, 因此本次设计的振动筛为YAH— 2460 型圆振动筛, 该系列振动筛主要用于煤炭行业中物料分级、脱水、脱泥、脱介等作业。其工作可靠,筛分效率高,但设备自身较重。设计分析论述了设计方案,包括振动筛的分类与特点和设计方案的确定; 对物料的运动分析; 对振动筛的动力学分析及动力学参数的计算;合理设计振动筛的结构尺寸;进行了激振器的偏心块等设计与计算,包括原始的设计参数,电动机的设计与校核; 进行了主要零部件的设计与计算,皮带的设计计算与校核, 弹簧的设计计算,轴的强度计算,轴承的选择与计算,然后进行了设备维修、安装、润滑及密封的设计,最后进行了振动筛的环保以及经济分析。关键词 :振动筛;激振器;圆振动筛2 Abstract At present, China's coal preparation plant all the equipment used in the shaker is more problems, maintenance of one of the larger equipment. These issues in sieve outstanding performance me off beam, crack help, lubrication oil dilute the box-type vibrator oil spills, fighting tooth gear, bearing temperature rise too high, major issues such as noise, accompanied by dancing with broken belts, such as fault zone. Such issues directly affecting the life of the shaker, which has seriously affected the production. YAH — 2460round good shaker can solve such problems, so this shaker designed for roundYAH — 2460shaker, the series of major shaker in the materials used in the coal industry classification, dehydration, desliming, such as referrals from Operations. Its reliable, efficient screening, but their heavy equipment. Design analysis on the design options, including the classification and ...