1 / 7 拖延症患者的 30 个症状30 Signs You ’re Actually A Procrastinator拖延症患者的 30 个症状I ’m a master procrastinator, a couch lover and a guy who has been nicknamed “the last minute man” (kids have batman and superman, why can’t I get a name?). Nobody can tell you more about procrastination than I. 我是拖延症方面的专家, 而且超级迷恋沙发, 别人给我起了个外号叫“最后一秒男”(小孩子都有蝙蝠侠,有超人,为什么我不能有个酷帅的名字?)没有人比我更了解拖延症。Below I listed 30 habits of procrastinators. If you find yourself having more than seven then a procrastinator is who you are (and that’s not flattering, you gotta do something about it asap!). 下面我列举了拖延症患者的30 个习惯。如果你发现自己有7 条以上都符合的话,那你绝对有拖延症(这不是一件好事,你应该尽快做点什么来改掉这个毛病!)1.You get up late 起床晚You try to be an all-nighter and you delay your important tasks to the early AMs. Finally you end the night with a series of “energizing naps” which stop when you suddenly realize that it ’s already the next afternoon and you ’re not finished.2 / 7 你已经做好了开夜车的准备, 所以你把所有重要的工作都推到半夜去做。但到了后半夜你就一直不停地打盹, 清醒后你才意识到已经是第二天下午了,而且任务还没有完成。2.Everytime is your bed time 任何时间都可以睡觉Like I just stated, you don’t know when to sleep or when you wake up. So you simply sleep when you want to procrastinate. You don’t have a certain time to start working which makes it hard to get anything done. 就像我上面说的, 你不知道什么时候该睡觉或者什么时候该起床。所以当你拖着一件事不想做的时候, 你就选择睡觉。 而且你也不确定什么时候开始工作,所以想完成一件事就变得很难。3.You are getting addictive 你对某事开始上瘾Eating, drinking or nail biting calms you down for a while when you are nervous an...