

1 初三英语口语朗读材料(精选篇) (1 ) Dear Li Jie Hi! Your name and address are in Penfriends magazine. I would like to be your penfriend. My name is Simon. My Chinese name is Li Peichun. I’m twelve years old. How old are you? I’m 163cm. I have short black hair and brown eyes. My hobby is playing chess. I live with my parents in the UK. They are from Beijing. My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. We live in a house near our restaurant. I can speak Chinese, but I cannot write it very well. I have a brother. His name is Edwin. He is 23. He works as an accountant in London. How many people are there in your family? What do they do? I’m in Year 7 at Walker School. It is near my house, and I can walk to school. I like my school. The teachers are very friendly. I am keen on sports. I enjoy playing rugby and badminton in winter, and tennis in summer. My best subject at school is maths. I want to be an engineer. Here is a photo of myself and some school friends, I am in the middle. Li Jie, please tell me all about yourself. Best wishes Simon (2 ) Dear Kelly Do you like this photograph of me with my school friends? I am in glasses. Can you see me? On the right is Sally. She is British. She is my best friend at school. She is always happy to help everyone. On the left is Li Jie. I play table tennis with her every afternoon. The boys stand behind us. Sun Fei wears glasses too. He is a painter. His paintings are very beautiful. He is also a basketball player on the school team. Our school team often wins the Middle School Championship in the city. Wang Gang is a very good swimmer. He practices every morning and night. He wants to be one...

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