1下载后可任意编辑股权赠与协议Donation Contract甲方 Party A:___________________________法定代表人/委托代理人:______________(身份证/护照号码:______________)Legal Representative/Authorised Representative:(ID/Passport NO.: )地址 Address:_____________________电话 Telephone:___________________________乙方:Party B:法定代表人/委托代理人:______________(身份证/护照号码:______________)Legal Representative/Authorised Representative:(ID/Passport NO.: )地址 Address:___________________________电话 Telephone:___________________________甲、乙双方本着平等、自愿和诚信的原则,经充分协商,双方就股权赠与事宜达成如下协议:According to the rules of equality, voluntariness and good faith, both parties of this contract agreed the following issues relating to shares donation: 本协议由甲方与乙方于 年 月 日在 签订。This agreement shall be signed by party A and party B on the date of: Y /M /D on . 第一条 赠与标的21下载后可任意编辑Clause 1 Donation object1、甲方拥有 XX 有限公司(以下简称“公司”)股权,是该公司的合法股东; 1.Party A has shares of the XX Co. Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as the "company"), is the company's legitimate shareholder;2、甲方同意将其拥有的公司 1%的股权给乙方; 2.Party A agrees to donate its own 1% company shares to Party B; 3、乙方同意接受上述赠与。3.Party B agrees to accept the above donation.第二条 赠与程序Clause 2 Donation procedure1、甲方应当根据本协议提请公司向登记机关办理股权变更登记,并将股权变动情况登载于公司的股东名册,同时向乙方出具证明书;1.Party A shall, in accordance with this agreement, submit the company to the registration authority for registration of stock right change, and change the stock right on the list of shareholders of the company, and issue a certificate to Party B.2、如此项赠与需征得公司其他股东同意的,甲方应负责取得该项同意。2.If such donation should be approved by th...