

Important Notice: 1. The inhabitant registration book is a legal document to prove the citizen’s status and relationship with the family members. It is also a main proof for inhabitant registration authority to inquire and check. Householder and family members should submit the book at any time required by a registrar for checking. 2. Householder should keep safe the book. It is an offense for altering, transferring or lending this book to others. 3. Except the inhabitant registration office, neither anyone nor any institution can endorse on the book. 4. Any changes on number of the family and item should be reported to the registration office. 5. The inhabitant registration book should be surrendered to the registration office if the whole family moves into other jurisdiction area. Family Type Non-agricultural HouseholdHouseholder ’s Name Family Number Address Seal: Special Stamp for Inhabitant Registration Public Security Bureau Handling Person: (sealed) Seal: Special Stamp for Inhabitant Registration Public Security Bureau Seal of Register Issue Date:Modifications in Registration Items and Records Registration Card of Permanent Resident Name Householder or Relationship to Householder Householder Former Name Sex Place of Birth Ethnicity Han Native Place Date of Birth Other Dwelling Place in the City/County Religion Citizen ID Number Height cm Blood Group Educational Degree Marital Status Military Service Service Place Occupation When and from where moved into this city(county) When and from where moved to this addressHandling Person: (sealed)Issue Date: Modification Modifying date Stamp of the officer in charge Modifications in Registration Items and Records Registration Card of Permanent Resident Name Householder or Relationship to Householder Former Name Sex Place of Birth Ethnicity Han Native Place Date of Birth Other Dwelling Place in the City/County Religion Citizen ID Number Height cm Blood Group Educational Degree Marital Status Military Service Service Place Occupation When and from where moved into this city(county) When and from where moved to this addressHandling Person: (sealed)Issue Date: Modification Modifying date Stamp of the officer in charge

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