中非合作论坛成立的背景 进入21 世纪,维护和平、谋求稳定、促进发展成为各国人民的共同愿望。为进一步加强中非在新形势下的友好合作,共同应对经济全球化挑战,促进共同发展,根据部分非洲国家的建议,中国政府倡议召开中非合作论坛北京 2000 年部长级会议,得到了广大非洲国家的积极响应。 The creation of FOCAC In the 21st century, maintaining peace, seeking stability and promoting development have become a shared aspiration of people of all countries. In order to further strengthen the friendly cooperation between China and Africa under the new circumstances, to jointly meet the challenge of economic globalization and to promote common development, and in light of suggestions of some African countries, the Chinese Government made the proposal on the convocation of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation---Ministerial Conference Beijing 2000, which was positively responded to by the vast number of African countries. 中非合作论坛的特点 中非合作论坛是中国与非洲友好国家建立的集体磋商与对话平台,是南南合作范畴内发展中国家之间的合作机制。其特点是: 务实合作:以加强磋商、扩大合作为宗旨,重在合作。 平等互利:政治对话与经贸合作并举,目的是彼此促进,共同发展。 Characteristics of FOCAC The Forum on China-Africa Co-operation is a platform established by China and friendly African countries for collective consultation and dialogue and a cooperation mechanism between the developing countries, which falls into the category of South-South cooperation. The characteristics of the Forum are as follows: Pragmatic Cooperation: Its purpose is to strengthen consultation and expand cooperation and its focus is on cooperation. Equality and Mutual Benefit: It promotes both political dialogue and economic cooperation and trade, with a view to seeking mutual reinforcement and common development. 中非合作论坛...