[转载]VC 获取系统特殊文件夹的路径如:系统目录,桌面等 如果需要,请在StdAfx.h 中添加 #include TCHAR MyDir[_MAX_PATH]; SHGetSpecialFolderPath(this->GetSafeHwnd(),MyDir,CSIDL_APPDATA,0); AfxMessageBox(MyDir); 其中第三个参数 CSIDL_APPDATA 可以为以下的值: CSIDL_BITBUCKET 回收站 CSIDL_CONTROLS 控制面板 CSIDL_DESKTOP Windows 桌面 Desktop CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY Desktop 的目录 CSIDL_DRIVES 我的电脑 CSIDL_FONTS 字体目录 CSIDL_NETHOOD 网上邻居 CSIDL_NETWORK 网上邻居虚拟目录 CSIDL_PERSONAL 我的文档 CSIDL_PRINTERS 打印机 CSIDL_PROGRAMS 程序组 CSIDL_RECENT 最近打开的文档 CSIDL_SENDTO “发送到”菜单项 CSIDL_STARTMENU 任务条启动菜单项 CSIDL_STARTUP 启动目录 CSIDL_TEMPLATES 文档模板 //如果下面的值在VC 开发环境中不存在话,可以在VC98/include/SHLOBJ.H 中定义该变量 CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE(0x8000) Version 5.0. Combine this CSIDL with any of the following CSIDLs to force the creation of the associated folder. CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS(0x0030) Version 5.0. The file system directory that is used to store administrative tools for an individual user. The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) will save customized consoles to this directory, and it will roam with the user. CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP(0x001d) The file system directory that corresponds to the user's nonlocalized Startup program group. CSIDL_APPDATA(0x001a) Version 4.71. The file system directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data. A typical path is C:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication Data. This CSIDL is supported by the redistributable Shfolder.dll for systems that do not have the Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 integrated Shell installed. CSIDL_BITBUCKET(0x000a) The virtual folder containing the objects in the user's Recycle Bin. CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA(0x003b) Version 6.0. The file system directory acting as a staging...