Group standardTL 260Issue 2015-03Class. No.:50235Descriptors:surface protection, corrosion protection, paint, metal surfacePaintwork of Metal SurfacesSurface Protection RequirementsPrevious issuesTL 260: 1975-08, 1980-06, 1985-05, 1986-12, 1994-02, 1995-09, 2004-05ChangesThe following changes have been made to TL 260: 2004-05:–Section 3.2 "Basic requirements" and Table 2 in Section 3.6 "Coating thickness" expanded–Surface protection (Ofl) type Ofl-x130 replaced by Ofl-x330–Alternative pretreatment based on zirconium oxide added for Ofl-x330–Requirements for the cutting burr added–Corrosion resistance requirements (corrosion cycle test) for Ofl-x330 changed–Applicable documents updatedAlways use the latest version of this standard.This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 11Technical responsibilityThe Standards departmentGQL-MDr. Frank RöperGQL-M/1Günther LaudienTel.: +49 5361 9 25846GQL-M/1Hans-Joachim KoeppenTel.: +49 5361 9 25803EKDV/4 Gabriela BochynekEKDVTel.: +49 5361 9 21698Maik GummertAll rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments.© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2014-06a-patch5Page 2TL 260: 2015-03ScopeThis standard defines the requirements for corrosion protection of black paint finishes on metal sur‐faces (code letter x in Volkswagen standard VW 13750). It does not apply to paint finishes on zinc-coated metal surfaces (see Technical Supply Specification TL 227), to decorative protective coat‐ings (see TL 218 and TL 5245...