下载后可任意编辑PAYMENT COMMISSIONSIRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT(不可撤销的佣金保护协议)Date:Contract code:Payer’s code:Payer ( 付 款方):Payer’s Bank:Payee’s code:Payee ( 受 付方):Payee’s Bank:The above mentioned transaction involving the purchase of Manganese Ore of _______ metric tons per Month with possible rollovers and extensions. The following will set out the protection of fees should a contract be executed and consummated under the terms and conditions mutually agreed upon by the principles or their mandate agents. (本协议提及的交易为每月购买——公吨的锰矿石,并包括该交易的循环和延期。本佣金保护协议的各项条款是经过当事双方或他们委托的代理机构认可并签署的。)Now, therefore, the Payer, acting with full corporate authority and responsibility, do herewith, without prejudice and recourse, guarantee to pay a total Service Fee of _____US DOLLARS (US$_____) per MT of Manganese Ore delivered under the terms of the transaction referenced above. The undersigned, as the legal Payee’s representative, agrees and guarantees to cause a copy of this Irrevocable Master Payment Order to be attached to each copy of the final signed contract at all times, provided acceptance of the Payer. This Irrevocable Payment is issued pursuant to and in acknowledgment of the Payer’s responsibilities under the present contract. (付款方保证在没有任何条件的情况下,向受付方支付本交易条件下的服务费用。服务费用为——美元 /每吨锰矿石。在下面签名的受付方同意并保证本不可撤销佣金付款协议的影印件将附属与每次最终签订的合同。本协议在合同项下依据付款方的责任开具。)The Payer further agrees that the fees and commissions stated are compensation for services rendered and are irrevocable, irretrievable and unconditionally guaranteed to be paid within 1 (one) international banking day...