下载后可任意编辑住宅楼的电气设计 论文关键词:低压配电 照度 防雷 有线电视 消防报警 论文摘要:本论文主要阐述了鸿铭中心金街银苑住宅小区中的一栋层住宅楼电气系统的电气设计依据、原则、方法及设计选择的结论。本论文共包括强电和弱电两大块,分为六章,前四章为强电部分,五、六章为弱电部分。强电部分的主要内容有:低压配电系统、照明系统及防雷接地系统的设计,其下载后可任意编辑中包括负荷计算和照度计算等。弱电部分的主要内容有:电话系统、有线电视系统、宽带接入网系统及消防报警系统等。 本次对鸿铭中心金街银苑 6 号住宅楼的建筑电气毕业设计,旨在运用所学的电工理论知识,联系实际,通过自身的设计实践,掌握建筑电气设计的一般步骤、方法,并能够对工程中的某些问题进行分析和解决,为今后从事建筑电气工作打下良好基础。 Abstract:This thesis mainly explains the electrical design basal 下载后可任意编辑principle, methods and the selective conclusion of the design in each electrical system of a certain dwelling house building which is sixteen floors .The thesis include two parts: the forceful electric power part and the light current part. It has six chapters and previous four chapters are mostly about the design of the forceful electric power part and chapter 5 and 下载后可任意编辑6 are mostly about the design of the light current part. The part of forceful electric power mainly including: the distribution system of the low voltage, lighting system and ground connection for lightning protection system, among others include load-calculation and illumination-calculation. The part of light current mainly including: telephone system, CATV,Wide Band 下载后可任意编辑system and fire-warning system, etc. This electrical design of the dwelling house building is a graduation design. The purpose of this design is to manage electrician theory and contact practice so as to get the method of electrical design and be able to analyze and solve p...