下载后可任意编辑浅议存款保险制度对我国商业银行的影响 班级:金融 1201姓名:陈峰指导老师:王艳华下载后可任意编辑摘 要2024 年底,国务院提出准备于 2024 年正式推行存款保险制度,酝酿 20 年之久的存款保险制度终于千呼万唤始出来,在经济全球化的今日,商业银行经营风险日益扩大;竞争激烈。存款保险制度的推出不仅是对储户利益的保证,更为全面深化我国银行业改革提供了风险保障,有利于推动利率市场化进程。同时也对商业银行经营的法律规范和银行退出机制的建立起到了重要的作用。关键词:存款保险制度;存款保险制度的影响;政府对银行的监管;银行退出机制Abstract下载后可任意编辑By the end of 2024, the State Council put forward in 2024 to prepare the formal implementation of the deposit insurance system, 20 years in the making of the deposit insurance system, and finally the long-awaited, in the economic globalization today, the operation risk of commercial bank is becoming more and more fierce competition to expand. The introduction of a deposit insurance system is not only the guarantee of the interests of depositors, but also provides risk protection for the deepening of the reform of China's banking industry comprehensively, is conducive to promoting the process of market of interest rates. At the same time also played an important role in the establishment of commercial banks and the standard bank withdrawal mechanism.Key word: The deposit insurance system; The impact of the deposit insurance system; The government supervision on Banking; The bank withdrawal mechanism 目 录下载后可任意编辑下载后可任意编辑1 存款保险制度的起源和进展1.1 存款保险制度的含义 存款保险制度是一种金融保障制度,对于商业银行而言,是指由符合条件的各类存款性金融机构集中起来建立一个保险机构,各商业银行作为投保人按一定存款比例向其缴纳保险费,建立存款保险准备金,当成员机构发生经营危机或面临破产倒闭时,存款保险机构向其提供财务救助或直接向存款人支付部分或全部存款,从而保护存款...