下载后可任意编辑中国历史上的“天府之国” 摘 要: “天府之国”是最适宜于人类生活的地方。古人常把形势险固、土地肥沃、物产丰富的地方称为“天府”或“天府之国”。在中国历史上,曾先后出现过 9 个“天府之国”。它们是关中盆地、北京小平原、成都平原、江南地区、太原附近、闽中地区、沈阳一带、武威地区和台东地区。从历史地理的角度来看,这些“天府之国”都具有得天独厚的自然条件,下载后可任意编辑但它们的形成和演变则与人为因素息息相关。由于地理环境和人文环境的差异,有的“天府之国”长期存在,影响很大,有的则昙花一现,转瞬即失。历史时期“天府之国”的形成与演变,对于我国当前经济社会的进展具有重要的借鉴意义。 关键词: 历史地理; 天府之国; 环境变迁 Abstract: Historically, the “Nature‘s Storehouse” referred to 下载后可任意编辑the fittest locality for human life. The ancient Chinese people usually regarded a locality with hazardous terrace, fertile land and abundant produce as the “Nature‘s Storehouse”. Thus, there were 9 localities respectively named “Nature‘s Storehouses” in Chinese history, namely, the Guanzhong Basin, the Beijing Valley, the Chengdu Plains, the areas in southern China, 下载后可任意编辑the areas adjacent to Taiyuan, the Central Fujian, the areas adjacent to Shenyang, the Wuwei region and the Eastern Taiwan. Owing to respective distinctions in geographical and humanistic environment, some of these “Nature‘s Storehouses” have endured history and remain influential, but others lasted only momentarily and faded soon. Thus, the shaping and evolution of these 下载后可任意编辑historical “Nature‘s Storehouses” are of important referential significance to current economic construction of our country. Key Words: histo geography; “Nature‘s Storehouse”; environmental change 据史书记载[1],战国后期,关中盆地和北京一带就先后获得“天府”的美誉。秦汉之际,关中成为着名的“天府之国”,下载后可任意编辑成都平原开始...