摘要电子商务作为一种全新的商业运营模式, 在历史的舞台上演绎着越来越重要的角色, 而电子商务中进行的多数销售活动, 最终都是要通过物流实现商品从商家到消费者的传递 , 电子商务物流随之产生并不断发展。但人们对电子商务的认识还仅仅局限在一个虚拟的世界里面 , 忽视能使电子商务从虚拟到现实的实质—物流问题研究, 使电子商务物流在我国的发展比较缓慢。 本文从电子商务与物流的关系, 电子商务物流的模式,我国电子商务物流发展的现状及问题,我国物流与国外的差距,提高我国物流水平的方法,最后对物流的趋势做出一些分析并对提高我国物流水平提出对策。关键字 :电子商务、物流、现状、差距、趋势、对策ABSTRACTE-commerce as a new business model plays an increasingly important role in the stage of history. The majority of e-commerce sales activities will eventually need to achieve through the logistics of goods from businesses to consumers transmission. The e-commerce logistics continue to develop. However, People's awareness of e-commerce is only confined to the inside of a virtual world and ignores the reality of e-commerce from the virtual to the real - logistics research, so that the logistics of e-commerce development in China is relatively slow. In this paper, from the relationship between e-commerce and logistics, e-commerce model of logistics, the logistics of e-commerce development of China's current situation, anglicizing gap between Chinese logistics and abroad to improve the standards of China's logistics. At last, analysis the trend of logistics and give some advices to improve the level of logistics.Keywords: E-commerce; logistics; current situation; gap; trend; tactics目录第一章电子商务与物流的关系电子商务的概念物流的概念电子商务与物流的关系第二章电子商务物流的模式物流子公司第三方物流物流联盟第三章我国物流的现状及问题物流的基础问题信息化程度问题人才的问题运营成本及其他问题第四章我国物流与国外的差距管理体制和运行机制的差距。物流服务网络的...