急性间歇性血卟啉病的临床观察和护理摘要 : 目的 根据温州市第三人民医院收治的3 名急性间歇性血卟啉病患者的诊治和护理过程,总结出对此病的临床观察和护理的经验,对急性发作期护理、缓解期护理、心理护理、出院后护理进行细致总结,提供临床参考。方法结合温州市第三人民医院2010-2015年收治的 3 名患者的临床观察和护理进行报道和分析。结果三例患者都有其特殊的临床特点和多发的临床症状,经过周详的临床观察和护理,三例患者病情都得到了控制,并顺利出院,患者出院后在医务人员的指导下和家属帮助下仍进行着院外护理。结论急性间歇性血卟啉病尚无根治方法, 可针对不同阶段的临床症状进行密切临床观察和对症治疗,再适当进行心理护理,出院后仍要继续进行院外护理,才能良好地控制病情,改善生活质量。关键词: 急性间歇性血卟啉病;临床观察;护理OBJECTIVE:According to our hospital three acute intermittent porphyria patients blood diagnosis, treatment and care process, summed up the experience of clinical observation and care of this disease, acute exacerbation of care, ease of care, psychological care, meticulous care after discharge summary, provided clinical reference. Method combines hospital where 2010 - 2015 Clinical treated three patients and care coverage and analysis. Results Three patients have their specific clinical features and clinical symptoms of multiple, through careful clinical observation and care, three patients with the disease have been brought under control, and was discharged after being discharged under the guidance of medical staff is still engaged perfect care. Conclusion no cure for acute intermittent porphyries’ method, close clinical observation and symptomatic treatment for the different stages of clinical symptoms, and appropriate psychological care, still continue to care after discharge, can well control the disease, improve living quality. Keywords: acute intermittent porphyry; clinical observation; nursing 血卟啉病又称为血...