0 PC-300 Preservation for Diagnostics | 晶茂生物PC-300体外诊断试剂专用抑菌剂 PC-300 preservative is a highly effective biocide for controlling microorganisms in biological media for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) products. Suitable media include reagents, control solutions, calibration solutions, buffers, and mobile phases. With broad-spectrum activity, excellent compatibility and stability, and low toxicity and biodegradable at use levels, PC-300 preservative is the ideal choice for replacing Thimerosal, Sodium Azide, and Gentamicin. PC-300 preservative eradicates bacteria, fungi, and yeasts in reagents for prolonged periods, thereby increasing a product’s shelf life and open vial stability. The water solubility permits easy incorporation into IVD reagents. Further, PC-300 preservative does not affect the functionality of most enzyme- or antibody-linked reactions, and will not interfere with assay indicators. PC-300 抑菌剂是一种高效的、专用于体外诊断试剂的抑菌剂,包含用于各种试剂、质控品、校准品、缓冲液和层析中的流动相。由于该产品具有广泛的抑制微生物生长的效果、极佳的相容性和稳定性、低毒并可生物降解,PC-300 抑菌剂成为一种理想的,可替代硫柳汞(含汞有机物)、叠氮钠(易燃易爆剧毒品)、庆大霉素(抗生素原料药)等传统抑菌剂的新型抑菌产品。PC-300 抑菌剂能抑制细菌、真菌、酵母菌生长,从而使诊断试剂具有更长的有效期和开瓶有效期,良好的水溶性帮助在体外诊断试剂中的广泛应用。尤其值得一提的是,PC-300抑菌剂不影响大多数酶的活性,也不影响反应体系中抗体结合,同时也不影响反应中指示物质吸光度的变化。 SUZHOU GENEMILL BIOTECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 晶茂生物PC-300 体外诊断试剂专用抑菌剂 PC-300 Preserv ation for Diagnostics PC-300 体外诊断试剂专用抑菌剂 1 PC-300 Preservation for Diagnostics | 晶茂生物PC-300体外诊断试剂专用抑菌剂 PC-300 Preserv ation for Diagnostics PC-300 Adv antage PC-300抑菌剂优点 以其广谱活性、优越的兼容性和稳定性及其在使用浓度下的...