自考英语二课后题答案 Unit 1 Text A I 1-5 B A D A B II Section A 1. consistent2.statement 3.reflect4.invalid 5.considerable 6.comparison Section B 1.credible.2.identify3.assumption4.represents 5.evaluated 6.appropriate Section C 1.to2.forward3.into 4.in 5.with 6.toIII 1-5 define action tears good express 6-10 powerful internally respond to shapes personal IV Section A 1.take different social groups into account2.Comparing his present work with the previous work,3.is inconsistent with what he told the policeman4.is not relevant to what we’re dealing with5.Inform us of any of your changesSection B 要成为一个灵活的读者,你必须知道如何根据你的阅读目的选择并使用恰当的阅读方式。知道何时,如何使用不同的阅读风格能使你成为一个灵活的读者。研究型阅读是灵活的读者为了深度理解偏难的题材时所使用的阅读风格。当使用此种阅读风格时,你的阅读速度要比平时慢一些。而且,你要挑战自我,以理解原文。并且,它还常常需要你阅读不止一遍以深度理解。有时候,大声朗读也可以加深理解。 V 52134 Text B I Section A 1-6 Y F Y F Y NG Section B 1. Mastering our language2.our lives and destinies3.determination 4. power5.live whatever life you desire6. some alternativesII Section A 1. confidence2. creative3. eliminate 4. dramatically5. significant6.limitSection B 1. matter 2. commonly 3. pleased 4. infinite5. command6. impact自考英语二课后题答案 Section C 1. out2. Seems 3. on 4. within 5. in 6. overIII Section A 1. have a great impact on the country’s future.2. but it matters a lot to me3. but the police is soon in control of the situation4. i have on alternative but let you go5. The final decision is up to the managerSection B 职场中,英语具有重要的作用。使用方式正确和恰当,可以极大的促进职业和事业发展。一些人在步入职场之前,有必要或者想要学习商务英语。那些已经上班的,有机会去看看自己能不能在当前工作中有效地运用英语。 ...