1 2012 年初三英语人机对话情景问答练习题(1) 1. 上星期天李华在红星电影院看了电影《音乐之声》。 When and where did Lihua see the film The Sound of Music? -- He saw it at the Red star cinema last Sunday. What did he think of it? ---He thought it was wonderful. 2. 史密斯先生已经离开伦敦约三个月了,他将于一周后返回。 How long has Mr. Smith been away from London? ---He’s been away from London for about 3months. When will he come back? ---He’ll come back in a week. 3. 王先生的业余爱好是集邮。自 2000 年以来,他已收集了3000 多枚邮票。 What is Mr. Wang’s hobby? ----His hobby is collecting stamps. How many stamps has he collected since2000? ---He has collected more than 3000 stamps since 2000 4. 你喜欢看电影,每个月去看一次电影。 What do you like doing? ----I like watching films. How often do you go to the cinema? ----I go to the cinema once a month. 5. 昨天你去市中心逛街,买了一本字典。 Where did you go shopping yesterday? ---I went shopping in the centre of the city yesterday. What did you buy? --- I bought a dictionary. 6. 张老师和学生在操场上打篮球。 Where are Mr. Wang and his students? ---They are on the playground. What are they doing? ----- They are playing basketball. 7. 我昨晚做饭时不小心打破了一个碗,但妈妈并没有责备我,下次我会小心的。 What happened to you when you were making dinner yesterday? --- I broke a bowl. What will you do next time? ---I will be careful next time. 8. 我们昨天在市中心广场举行了一次慈善演出,我们想为贫困地区的孩子募捐一些书和衣服。 What did you do yesterday at the centre square? --- We had a charity show. What did you want to do for the children in poor areas? -- We want to raise some books and clothes for the children. 9. 汤姆住在阳光镇,坐地铁到北京市中心大约 40 分钟。 Where does Tom ...