无限教育QQ:787897172 权威提供 2011 年6 月四川省大学英语三级(SCET3)考试试题 SICHUAN COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST () 试卷一 Part II Vocabulary and structure (20%) 13. I really hope that we shall have an opportunity to meet again on anther__. A)environment B)occasion C)situation D) condition 14. Coal was formed out of dead forest by chemical_______. A)procedure B)process C) progress D)pracice 15. Over one hundred soldiers have been called in to guard the embassy_____futher attacks. A) against B)with C)for D) on 16.We regret inform you that the chemistry textbooks you wished to order are out of______ A)order B)reach C)stock D)place 17. In recent years,the tourist industry_____ greatly to the economy of our country. A)benefits B)assists C)supports D) conteibutes 18. Mr. Phil Fogg didn’t have to work._____he went to his club every day.doing the same thing at the same time. A)Instead B)Despite C)Despite of D)Instead of 19. We are talking about a water-tank with a _____of 2000 M³ to hold all that water. A)dimension B)standard C)volume D)capacity 20. In this university.the best student are______special scholarships. A)awarded B)honored C)favored D)qualified 21. I’d like to take ______ of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation. A)advantage B)benefit C)profit D)occasion 22. As we have expected. This new concept was quickly______ by post-80s and post-90s. A) received B) accepted C)obtained D) acquired 23.You’d beeter employ a more______ sale manager than the one you currently have. A) sufficient B)representative C)respective D)efficient 24.The management finally agreed to______with the union about wage raise. 无限教育QQ:787897172 权威提供 2011 年6 月四川省大学英语三级(SCET3)考试试题 A) argue B)fight C)negotiate D...