2010 考研英语作文.txt54 就让昨日成流水,就让往事随风飞,今日的杯中别再盛着昨日的残痕;唯有珍惜现在,才能收获明天。Section III Writing 51.小作文 以研究生会的名义写一封通知,通知的内容是为全球一体化的国际会议招募志愿者,这个通知必须包括申请者的基本职位要求及你认为相关的其他信息。写100 个字左右,不要在通知末尾写你自己的名字,用“Postgraduates’ Association”代替。 参考范文一: Notice Volunteers for the International Conference of Global Integration are wanted. Anyone who is in good command of English and experienced in cross-cultural communication are expected to take part in this activity. The major task for this position are as follows: to begin with, to propaganda the theme of globalization to people all over the world; in addition, to provide E-C interpretation service to those representatives of the international conference, aiming at facilitating the process of the meeting; at last, you should be strictly available according to the time schedule of the conference. Those who are interested in this post are cordially welcome! Postgraduates’ Association 参考范文二: Notice Twenty volunteers for the International Conference of Global Integration are wanted among the students in our school. The positions recruited include receptionist, conference guider, transportation guider and English interpreter. The volunteers are requested to speak fluent English and are expected to be active, open-minded and conscientious. The Conference falls on September 23 at China Institute of International Studies, and all the volunteers will be trained for 5 days before the conference and provided with free transportation and meal. For those who are interested in taking part in the activity, please send your resume to the email address: postgraduates@zju.cn before Septemb...