青 岛 科 技 大 学题 目 __________________________________导师 ___________________________________ 姓名 ___________________________________ 学号 ___________________________________ 科目 ____________________________________ ____________________院(部) _______________________________年 ___ 月 ___ 日机电工程学院动力工程 4015 级微波硫化橡胶简介李涛胡冰涛 4015030044 2016 1 17 动力工程及工程热物理学科前沿中文摘要微波硫化橡胶简介摘 要橡胶硫化是加工橡胶成为各种工业用品及各种原件、配件前的重要步骤。硫化使线型结构的大分子交联成为立体网状结构的大分子,从而使胶料具备高强度、 高弹性、高耐磨、抗腐蚀等优良性能。传统硫化方式有很多各种各样的缺点,时间长,耗能大,效率低。微波加热是一种内加热方式,加热迅速,高效节能,大大缩短了橡胶硫化时间,使其加热均匀性更好,硫化质量较高。但是微波硫化橡胶还有很多需要解决的问题。我们课题组多微波硫化橡胶过程中一些问题进行了探讨,并设计了加压设施。关键词 : 橡胶硫化;微波加热;高效;节能ABSTRACT THE SYNOPSIS OF MICROWAVE VULCANIZATION RUBBERABSTRACT Rubber vulcanized rubber is processed into a variety of industrial products and a variety of original and important step fitting ago. Vulcanized crosslinked linear structure of macromolecules become three-dimensional network structure, make rubber material with high strength, high flexibility, high wear and corrosion resistance and other excellent properties. There are many shortcomings of traditional way of vulcanization, long times, energy consumption and low efficiency. Microwave heating is a within heating method within, rapid heating, energy efficient, greatly reducing the rubber vulcanization time, heating uniformity is better, high quality vulcanization. But there are many problems of microwave rubber vulcanization to be solved.Our group discussed some issues of microwave curing rubber,and designed a pressurized facility. KEY WORDS: rubber vulcani...