下载后可任意编辑Windows XP's retirement could put ATMs and more at riskXP 退休可能危及银行取款机安全After April 8th, 2024, Microsoft (MSFT) will end support, including automatic security patches, for its 13-year-old Windows XP operating system. This may sound like an inconvenience primarily for government agencies and aging uncles, but another major set of Windows XP users are the automated teller machines and credit card sales systems that handle billions of dollars of transactions daily.2024 年 4 月 8 日 以 后 , 微 软 ( Microsoft ) 将 终 止 支 持 拥 有 13 历 史 的Windows XP 操作系统,同时也不会再提供自动安全补丁。大家或许觉得感到最 大 不 便 的 应 该 是 那 些 政 府 机 构 和 大 叔 大 爷 们 , 但 事 实 上 另 一 批 使 用Windows XP 系统的大户则是银行的自动柜员机以及信用卡销售系统,它们每天都处理着几十亿美元的交易。While major retailers and banks are likely to be well-prepared for the end of XP, financial systems based on the software are also in the hands of a far-reaching hodgepodge of independent ATM operators and small businesses. Despite ample warning, industry analysts and insiders agree that high cost and inconvenience will keep plenty of these smaller players running outdated software for many months to come -- with serious implications for the security of their systems.尽管不少大型零售商和大型银行很可能已经准备好迎接 XP 时代的终结了,但是别忘了依托于 XP 的金融系统还包含着大量独立的 ATM 运营商和小型金融机下载后可任意编辑构。除了发布空洞的警告之外,行业分析师和内幕人士们也认为,更换操作系统的高成本和它带来的不便将导致这些小企业在未来很多个月里继续使用已经过时的 XP 系统,而这也将给他们的系统带来严重的隐患。Jerry Nevins, co-owner of the Kansas City cocktail bar Snow & Co., is close to the dilemma. Snow & Co. bought a point of sale ...