下载后可任意编辑HowtoImpressPeople 如何给人留下好印象Speak ClearlyPronounce your words—don’t race through1 them. A good way to force yourself to slow down is to pause and take a breath every two sentences.语音清楚吐字清楚——语速不要太快。迫使自己放慢速度的一个窍门确实是两句一停,吸口气。It makes you sound calm and collected2, not like you’re scattered3 or a mess. And the cooler you sound, the cooler you’ll look.如此让人觉得你平复冷静,而不是乱麻似的一团糟。你讲话听起来越是平复,你看上去就越酷。Use Correct GrammarTalk in complete sentences, and always avoid slang4. If you’re unsure of what a word means, don’t use it—you might embarrass yourself.语法准确说话完整,幸免俚语。别用自己没有把握的单词——否则你会让自己陷入尴尬。You’ll sound bright and articulate5. And adults think highly of smart individuals.你听起来能说会道,聪慧伶俐。而且成年人对聪慧人评判专门高。Give a Compliment6 When you first meet someone, find something nice to say. If you can’t think of anything specific, say, “I’ve heard great things about you.”学会颂扬和别人初次见面时,颂扬别人的优点。要是想不出具体的情况,就说:“我听说过一些关于你的了不得的情况。”How to Act 举止Offer a HandshakeWhen you meet someone new (not casually—like at school—but at an interview or a formal gathering), shake her hand. Squeeze8 it as hard as you’d squeeze a peach to check if it’s soft enough to eat.主动握手与人初次见面时(不是在学校里偶然邂逅——而是在会面上或是在正式的聚会上认识的)与她主动握手。握手时力量要恰到好处,用力程度要像你去捏一个桃子,看它是否软得可吃一样。Look InterestedAs soon as you meet a new person, smile (but not for more than a few seconds or it’ll look insincere11 ). As your conversation progresses, nod at the right times and lean very slightly toward her.兴致盎然初次与人见面,要微笑(几秒钟就足够,不...