Uuit1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学)Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义)Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics-测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?)GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and –MATICS for mathematical or GEO- forGeoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS 测绘学或者geo 代表地球,matics 代表数学,或者geo 代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学)It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的理解)The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introducedworldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renamingwhat was previously called “geodesy” or “surveying”, and by adding a number of computer science-and/or GIS-oriented courses.(这个术语【term 术语】作为一个学科【academic discipline 学科】第一次形成【emerge】于加拿大;在过去的几年里被全世界的许多高等教育研究机构所熟知,通常是以前的“大地测量学”或“测量学”在引入了许多计算机科学和 GIS 方向【或“基于 GIS”】的课程后重新命名的。)Now the term includes the traditional surveying definition along with surveying steadily increasedimportance with the development of new technologies and the growing demand for a variety of spatiallyrelated types of information, particularly in measuring and monitoring our environment.(随着新技术的发展和不断增长的对空间关系的信息类型的需求,尤其是在测量和监测我们的环境方面【环境监测】,现在,传统测量学定义连同【along with】日益【steadily 稳定的】增长的测量的重要性一起包含在这个术语里了。【逗号后面的句子修饰 demand】)Increasingly critical are areas of expanding populations, appreciating land values, dwindling naturalresources, and the continuing stressing of the quality of our land, water and air from human activities...