UNIT 6 Redin g 1 1 Your answ er Correct answ er 1. tolerant tolerant 2. democracy democracy 3. loyal loyal 4. renowned renowned 5. destiny destiny 6. retreat retreat 7. bully bully 2 Your answ er Correct answ er (1) destined destined (2) renowned renown (3) loyality loyalty (4) democractic democratic (5) bullied bullied (6) tolerate tolerate (7) retreat retreat 3 1. His achievements were so great that they can never be bettered. Your replacement: Your answ er Correct answ er surpassed surpassed 2. The situation can only get worse; it will never improve. Your replacement: Your answ er Correct answ er degenerate degenerate 3. Although he was a rich man, his clothes were of poor quality and in bad condition. Your replacement: Your answ er Correct answ er shabby shabby 4. He exchanged his position as a general for that of an ordinary soldier. Your replacement: Your answ er Correct answ er swap swapped 5. At the beginning of World War II the King turned to Churchill to lead the country. Your replacement: Your answ er Correct answ er onset onset 6. Churchill drank a lot of alcohol. Your replacement: Your answ er Correct answ er liquor liquor 7. Churchill wanted to do something to show he was sorry for his mistake at the battle of Gallipoli. Your replacement: Your answ er Correct answ er make amends make amends 4 abbba ababb aa Reasing 2 1 Your answ er Correct answ er 1. observation observation 2. timber timber 3. auxiliary auxiliary 4. fragment fragment 5. elaborate elaborate 6. selection selection 7. petty petty 8. dispute dispute 9. propose propose 2 1. His proved popular and the meeting accepted it unanimously. Your answ er Correct answ er proposal proposal 2. It's the of the ...