元音音素和辅音音素: 单元音(12 个): 长元音:[i:][ɑ:][ɜ:][u:][ɔ:] 短元音:[ɪ][e][æ][^][ə][ʊ][ɒ] 双元音(8 个):[aɪ][eɪ][ɪə][əʊ][ʊə][aʊ][eə][ɔɪ] 清辅音(11 个):[p][t][k][f][s][θ][ʃ][ts][tʃ][tr][h] 浊辅音(15 个):[b][d][g][v][z][ð][ʒ][dz][dʒ][dr][l][r][m][n][ŋ] 半元音(2 个):[w][j] 国 际 音 标 和 英 语 字 母 在 书写方面的联系 —从音标到字母和字母组合 单元音: [i:]: ⑴ e:he she me we ⑵ ea:tea eat meat ⑶ ee:see tree see ⑷ ei:receive ⑸ ey:key ⑹ i:police policeman policewoman machine ⑺ eo:people ⑻ ie:piece field believe thief [ɪ]: ⑴ a:orange cabbage ⑵ ay:Sunday holiday ⑶ e:begin English pretty cinema ⑷ ey:monkey ⑸ i:it is in big ⑹ y:city very sorry ⑺ u:busy ⑻ ui:build building ⑼ ai:captain [e]: ⑴ a:any many anyone ⑵ ai:said ⑶ ay:says ⑷ e:pen bed yes egg desk ⑸ ea:bread head breakfast ⑹ u:bury [æ]:a:bag am and at sad [ɑ:]:⑴ a:class banana father after ⑵ al:half palm ⑶ ar:car far park arm star ⑷ au:aunt laugh ⑸ear:heart [^]: ⑴ o: come none love other ⑵ oo:blood flood ⑶ ou:touch country enough young ⑷ u:bus sun but cut up us [ɜ:]:⑴ ear:learn earth early heard ⑵ er:her term ⑶ ir:first girl bird skirt sir third ⑷ or:work word world ⑸ ur:nurse turn hurt Thursday ⑹ yr:myrtle ⑺ our:journalist journal [ə]:⑴ a:along about banana Canana China ⑵ e:student open children different ⑶ i:holiday April ⑷ o:today welcome police ⑸ u:minus autumn ⑹ er:father mother brother sister ⑺ or:doctor forget mirror ⑻ ar:sugar ⑼ re:metre tired fire ⑽ ou:delicious previous ⑾ ur:surprise Saturday ⑿ our:colour ⒀ ure:picture pleasure ⒁ oar:cupboard ⒂ yr:martyr satyr [u:]:⑴ ew:flew grew review Jew ⑵ o:do to who ⑶ oo:too zoo food pool boot school ⑷ ou:soup group ...