NOVEMBER 2002 NBR 14136ABNT - BrazilianAssociation ofTechnical StandardsPlugs and socket-outlets for householdand similar purposes up to20 A/250 Va.c. - StandardizationOrigin: Project NBR 14136:2001CE-03:023.02 - Study Commission for Switches, Socket-outlets, Pins and Plates forGeneral UseNBR 14136 - Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposesStandardizationDescriptors: Plug. Socket-outletThis Standard has been based on IEC 60906-1:1986This Standard cancels and replaces NBR 14136:1998Valid from December 29, 2002 onKey-words: Plug. Socket-outlet20 pagesSummaryForeword1 Objective2 Normative references3 RequirementsANNEXA FiguresForewordABNT – The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - is the National Committee of Standardization. The Brazilianstandards, which content is responsibility of Brazilian Committees (ABNT/CB) and the Organizations of SectorialStandardization (ABNT/ONS), are elaborated by Study Commissions (CE), composed by representatives of the involvedsections, like: producers, consumers and neutral (universities, laboratories and other).The drafts of Brazilian standards, elaborated in the extent of ABNT/CB and ABNT/ONS, are circulated for Public Consultationamong ABNT associates and interested parties.This Standard contains the annex A, it is normative.1 Scope1.1 This Standard sets the dimensions for plugs and socket-outlets with nominalcharacteristics up to 20 A/250 V a.c., intended for household and similar purposes, to be used in the connection todistribution systems with nominal tensions rated between 100 V and 250 V a.c.1.2 This Standard is applied to the plugs and socket-outlets specified in NBR 6147.1.3 This Standard is not applied to the plugs and socket-outlets designed to theclass 0 equipments.2 Nor...