下载后可任意编辑《比较政治制度讨论》课程教学大纲(Comparative research on political systems)一、课程说明【课程 ID】 095109001 【课程修习类型】选修【学分数】 3 【适用专业】思想政治教育【开课学院】 政治经济学院 【建议修读学期】三春【学时数】48【先修课程】无1.课程介绍:《比较政治制度》以比较讨论有关世界主要国家政治制度为内容,分析当代不同国家各类政治制度的共性和特性,包括政治制度类型、政治制度的不同方面。通过学习,使学生初步掌握比较政治制度的基本知识和理论,了解宪法体制、政党体制、议会体制、行政体制以及司法体制以及政治文化的基本内容和异同,为将来从事政治学、行政学和思想政治教育等讨论打下必不可少的基础。使学生能够运用比较分析方法,理解各种各类政治制度在社会、政治、经济进展过程中的作用,学会鉴别和善于吸收各种各类政治制度的治理和管理经验,以此提高理论素养,开阔学生视野,完善知识结构。《Comparative research on political systems》 Course code: Total hours: 48 Credits:3Courses: optional course. Apply to the ideological and political teaching profession.This course is a strong political, academic and practical course, which studying on political systems of the major countries in the world, including the type of political system, the different aspects of the political system. Through learning, students can initially grasp the basic knowledge and theory of comparative political systems, understanding of the constitutional system, the party system, parliamentary system, the administrative system and the judicial system, and the political culture of the basic content and the similarities. Enable students to use comparative analysis and understanding of the various kinds of political systems in the social, political and economic role in the development process, help students understand theory in general, comprehensive and in-depth , but also develop their practical capacity.2.课程的主要内容及课时安排:章次内容总课时理论课时实验、...