雅 思 写 作顺 序 连 接 词 雅思写作顺序连接词 1. First, Firstly, In the first place, First of all ○ Firstly, she mentioned that she would be on time for the meeting but she wasn’t. 首先,她提到她会准时参加会议,但她没有。 2. Second, Secondly, In the second place ○ Secondly, we all noted how well she did in that physics exam. 其次,我们都注意到她物理考试考得很好。 3. Third, Thirdly, In the third place ○ Third, you can always just claim that you didn’t see the missed call from him. 第三,你可以声称你没有看到他打错的电话。 4. Last, Lastly, Last of all ○ Last of all, it may be important to schedule the next meeting and delegate tasks. 最后,安排下一次会议和委派任务可能很重要。 5. For one thing ○ For one thing, dogs are completely loyal to their owners. 首先,狗对主人是完全忠诚的。 6. To begin with ○ To begin with, how about you consider making a different choice. 首先,你可以考虑做一个不同的选择。 7. For another thing ○ For another thing, your choice may not be incorrect just not currently applicable right now. 另一方面,你的选择可能是正确的,只是现在不适用。 8. In addition ○ I stopped by Lisa’s apartment to check in on her, in addition I called her on her mobile phone but she didn’t respond. 我顺道去了丽莎的公寓看看她,还打了她的手机,但她没有回应。 9. Also ○ It is pouring rain outside Kate, also, why are you not dressed in warmer clothes? 凯特,外面下着大雨,你为什么不穿暖和点的衣服呢? 10. Besides ○ Besides us no longer being in communication you are still someone I hold a great deal of respect for. 除了我们不再通信,你仍然是我非常尊重的人。 11. Moreover ○ I thought that smoking cannabis was illegal, moreover, I was certain there were health risks too. 我认为吸食大麻是非法的,而且,我确定它也有健康风险。 12....