SanHe Middle School NancySanHe Middle School Nancy Let’s see some famous places of interest from foreign countrie...
Revision of Lesson 25What did Carl feel in San Francisco at the time of the big earthquake in 1989?* First he...
Work hard!Work hard!You are sure to You are sure to SUCCEEDSUCCEED!!Never let Never let YOUSELFYOUSELF down! down!...
Revision 亲爱的同学们!这个单元我们一起领略了中国,加拿大,美国,英国和澳大利亚等国家的美丽风光以及各国不同的名胜古迹,还知道了在...
Report (Revision of last unit)1. Talk about problems2. Give advice with should / could bathroombarber shopbarbercut...
Unit 1 Revision 1. 选词填空The notice “Keep out”. Please it in English. I don’t understand what you’re . Cou...
Unit 8 Why do you like koalas? (Revision) Chant:What animals do you like?I like pandas. I like pandas. Why?They...
Ask and answerPoliceman : Do you know this man ?Mr Bai : Yes , It’s Ding Peng .Policeman : How long have yo...
丹顶鹤的故乡大纵湖东台湿地麋鹿的栖息地大铜马大丰港体育馆新四军纪念馆Match each building with its city and countrythe White...
Unit 1 Star signs Revision Ⅰ active polite hard-working confident powerful gentlesuccessful generous modest creativ...
Unit7 What does he look like? 重点短语•1. 看上去像 2. 中等身高 3. 中等身材 4.篮球队的队长 5. 一点儿,少许 6. 讲笑...
Unit 2 What should I do?DaQi XueXiao Liang Ruiyan 1. 1. We have two ________( 票 ) for the film.2. Did you _...
students 中考链接复习过程 每日一句 教学 目标世上无难事只要肯登攀All the All the students students can can All the Al...
听写 / 翻译句子 ( 常用短语和词组 )听写 / 翻译句子 ( 常用短语和词组 )1 、我比我妹妹要活泼,但她比我要沉着。2 、这些...
9A Unit One Star signs9A Unit One Star signs Revision Revision ⅡⅡ9A Unit One Star signs9A Unit One Star signs...
elephanttigerdogcatrabbitgoldfishparrotmousepandacamelantgiraffesnakekangaroo I have fur. I have four paws. I sleep a l...
Revision 中“留有余地”美国教育家苏那丹戴克说:“Tell me, I will forget. Show me, I may remember. Involve me, I will...
高考二轮复习语法系统讲解 一、冠词 重温语法 聚焦高考 -高考冠词考什么?• 一、考查不定冠词和零冠词的区别 - Is it ___ Engl...
新课标人教版课件系列《高中英语》必修 5-2.12语法闯关Ⅰ改错篇1. They woke up, finding everything around changing.2. The ga...
Senior 2 Chen Xiaoyan Sum up the main idea of the text.一、单词识记 : 写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。1. __________[‘di...