1 / 4 金子塔 New Concept English Book ⅡLesson 1-Lesson 5测试题姓名:日期:分数:一、单项选择 (每小题 1 分,共 20 ...
1 NCE 1 Lesson 1—6 测试题 一 把下列单词补充完整 1. ex__use 2. yo__r 3. handb__g 4. __ardon 5. than__ 6. p__n ...
新概念第一册Lesson 1-2 一.单词拼写:根据所给中文意思补全下列单词 二语法和词汇:从a、b、c、d 中选出正确答案 1、_____, what ...
A contract is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties. It is enforceable by la...
Lesson 19 Foreign Direct Investment •Foreign direct investment is the major form of international investment, wher...
Lesson 17 The International Monetary Sy stem and Ex change Rate The earliest international monetary system was kn...
Lesson 18 International Financial Organizations The most important international financial organizations are the Worl...
Transportation is fundamental to the development and operation of an industrial society. It permits the specializat...
Lesson 15 Insurance A brief survey of insurance literature (文献,图书资料) reveals (shows, indicate) differences of...
One of the major differences between domestic trade and foreign trade is documentation (单据的使用). Every shipment...
In international trade it is almost impossible to mach payment with physical delivery (实际交货) of the goods, wh...
Lesson10 International Pay ment Generally speaking, it is not very difficult for buyers and sellers in domestic t...
--The light is green.--Let’s cross the street.Traffic rules 交通规则 --The light is red now.--Let’s stop and wai...
Lesson 37 spring summer autumn winter What season is it?It’s SpringSummerAutumnWinter What day is it today?It’s ...
dollWhose doll is this?It’s Kate’s.Is it Kate’s doll?Yes, it is. Are these Kate’s dolls? No, they aren’t. Ar...
JapaneseTokyo (东京) FrenchParis (巴黎) AmericanNew York (纽约) Italian German National flags Nation:Nationality:...
白银区第二小学 路志高66sixsix 77sevenseven8 eight8 eight9 9 ninenine10 10 tenten66sixsix77sevenseven88eighteight99ninenine...
Lesson 13 Always Do Your Homework冀教版六年级英语上册课件Unit 2 School in Canada square 正方形 This is a ______. c...
Lesson 18 May I go to Beijing?学校:脑泉小学授课:郭海洋 welcome to the English class! the Palace MuseumTian’anmen...
althougheven though虽然 尽管 注意:although 或 even though 不能与 but 同时在句中使用 . _________ she joined the com...