Qu ick Reference Gu ide1st updated edition, April 2007© 2007 BRUKER OPTIK GmbH, Rudolf-Plank-Straße 27, D-76275 ...
Module 1 Deep South Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading and VocabularyⅠ.根据提示写出单词的正确形式1. We must p________...
Basic writing ---character Introduction 人物篇 学习目标:掌握人物介绍的相关词语及表达方式。掌握人物写作的技巧。 •He wa...
artist art gallery brushcolourfulcontemporarydelightfuldrawdrawinginkpaintpainterPaintingScenetraditional画家美术馆刷子彩色的当...
artist art gallery brushcolourfulcontemporarydelightfuldrawdrawinginkpaintpainterPaintingScenetraditional画家美术馆刷子彩色的当...
Module 4 CarnivalModule 4 CarnivalIntroduction and Reading Can you name the following festivals or The Spring Fest...
Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema1.What different types of book can you find in our daily life?mar...
Fantasy Literature product of imagination unrealistic notionPhilip PullmanPhilip PullmanHis Dark MaterialsHis Dark Mat...
Now please watch the video and guess what topic we will talk about in class.palmtopnotebook/laptopdesktopNow, pleas...
高中外研版必修二模块一 Our body and healthy habitsModule 1 Introduction/Vocabulary and readingThey are runningshadowbox...
MODULE 6Siberian tiger and great pandaIntroduction: Vocabulary and speaking1 : Introduce some animals in danger2 :...
Module 2 No drugs Period Arrangement • Period1 Introduction;Cultural Corner• Period2 Reading and Vocabulary• Peri...
Introduction - 3.Quiz time.(4m) Introduction - 3.Quiz time.(4m) Choose the correct Choose the correct answers to t...
Module 3 Music词海拾贝 难句剖析理解诱思 Little Apple Stepped on the Stage of AMA.China’s Internet singing sensation...
Why not sing karaoke with your friends?Music, as well as flowers, is one of the best and most beautiful things...
外研社 第二册Module 6 Films and TV Programmes IntroductionZhang YimouFeng XiaogangChen KaigeAng LeeFarewell My Concub...
Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary——Warming UpModule 6 Animals in Danger 自学导引新知初探► Step One...
Module 5• Reading Frankenstein’s Monster• Para.1• While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how...
Questions1. What is your favorite kind of music?2. When do you listen to it?3. How do you listen to it?4. How...