1 中等专业学校2023-2024-1教案 备课组别 英 语 课程名称 英 语 所在 年级 二年级 主备 教师 授课教师 授课系部 授课班级 ...
Unit 3: Living Legends第1课时教学设计 一、教学内容 本课时着眼于文本的信息梳理和整体理解,通过问题引导学生梳理为什么郎平和乔丹...
Do you know anyone with a mental or physical disability? Does their disability make it difficult for them to...
Unit7 Living With Disease防病小知识防病小知识HIVHIV 与与 AIDSAIDS 的区别的区别 许多人将许多人将 HIVHIV 与与 AIDSAIDS 混...
活页限时训练活页限时训练Unit 1 Living with technology 活页限时训练活页限时训练•Ⅰ. 单词默写•1 . broadcast n .播送,...
Unit 7Unit 7Living with diseaseLiving with disease( with language points)( with language points) 1 What kind of d...
Book 7 Unit 1 单元检测Name_________________ Number____________________一、单词拼写(14%)1. The theatre has very good a...
M7U1Living WELL231. Target language 目标语言 Students will be able to grasp the useful words and expressions: disa...
UnitUnit11Task 1Unit 1课件描述: 这是 Task 板块的第一课时,侧重通过听、读、说等活动获取信息。教学重点在阅读上,阅读的重点是信...
Unit 1 Living well 你所在的国际学校将举办冬季班接力赛跑活动,你作为学生会的宣传干部将负责通知来自不同国家的教师和学生。以下是...
Unit 1 Living with technology☆ 重点单词☆1 . play (plays / played / played / playing)vi. 玩耍,游玩vt. 播放;扮...
Unit 1 Living Well Unit 1 Living well How many different types of disabilities do you know?disability: the state...
类别课程标准要求的项目词汇单词disability ambition beneficial adapt absence annoy encouragement conduct abolish resign co...
UnitUnit11Task 2Unit 1课件描述: 这是 Task 板块的第二课时 , 教学重点在写作上。可分为三个阶段:写作前,请学生用书面形式列举...
Unit 1 Living with tachnologyUnit 1 Living with tachnology ProjectProjectMaking a list of pros and consMaking a l...
人教课标版高二 选修 7Unit 1 Using Language Leading inMount Kilimanjaro 乞力马札罗山Mount Kilimanjaro 乞力马札罗山 Moun...
1._______________ n. 视力2._______________ n. 跑道的一圈3._______________ adv. 向外,朝外4._______________ adj. 笨拙的5.__...
Ⅰ. 单词A) 根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词,并进行拓展。1 . ________(v.) 有益于;获益 (n.) 益处,好处→ ______(adj.) 有益...
UnitUnit11Reading 2TV and audio devices: a reviewUnit 1 课件描述: 这是 Reading 板块的第二课时。由于 Reading 板块的文...
Unit 7 Living with diseaseNew wordslive withlearn to accept,accept 1. 忍受2. 学会去适应,接受3. 与… 住在一起;Most ...